
Authorization Services.

POST api/authorization/authenticate

Authenticates the username/password name-value pair. Returns a Token (Guid).

POST api/authorization/validateToken

Checks if the specified User Token is valid. Returns whether or not token is valid, the user role and in case the token is not valid, it provides the error message.


Keyword Services.

GET api/keyword?search={search}&limit={limit}

Searches for keywords that contain given search string.


Taxon Services.

GET api/taxon?search={search}&limit={limit}

Searches for taxons that contain given search string.

GET api/taxon/{taxonId}

Gets the taxon.

GET api/taxon/{taxonId}/keyword

Gets the taxon keywords.

POST api/taxon/{taxonId}/keyword

Updates the taxon keywords. This service is secured so a valid nbdcToken cookie needs to be provided in a request header.

GET api/taxon/summary?start={start}&limit={limit}&sort={sort}&dir={dir}&taxonName={taxonName}&taxonGroupName={taxonGroupName}&taxonDesignationId={taxonDesignationId}&taxonDesignationGroupId={taxonDesignationGroupId}&keyword={keyword}&hasProfile={hasProfile}

Gets the taxon summary. This service is open but a valid nbdcToken cookie needs to be provided in a request header to see draft profiles.


Taxon Designation controller.

GET api/taxonDesignation?withProfilesOnly={withProfilesOnly}

Gets the taxon designations.

GET api/taxonDesignation/tree?withProfilesOnly={withProfilesOnly}

Gets the full tree of taxon designations.


Taxon Group Services.

GET api/taxonGroup/lookupInput?search={search}&limit={limit}

Searches for input taxon groups that contain given search string.

GET api/taxonGroup/lookupOutput?search={search}&limit={limit}

Searches for output taxon groups that contain given search string.


Taxon Image Services.

GET api/taxonImage/taxon/{taxonId}

Gets the list of images for the taxon.

GET api/taxonImage/taxon/{taxonId}/default

Gets the default taxon image. Default image is the image with the smallest image number.

GET api/taxonImage/{taxonImageId}/thumbnail

Gets the thumbnail image with given id.

GET api/taxonImage/{taxonImageId}

Gets the taxon image with given id.

POST api/taxonImage

Creates a new taxon image. This service is secured so a valid nbdcToken cookie needs to be provided in a request header.

PUT api/taxonImage/{taxonImageId}

Updates the taxon image. This service is secured so a valid nbdcToken cookie needs to be provided in a request header.

DELETE api/taxonImage/{taxonImageId}

Deletes the taxon image. This service is secured so a valid nbdcToken cookie needs to be provided in a request header.

POST api/taxonImage/updateOrder

Reorders taxon images. This service is secured so a valid nbdcToken cookie needs to be provided in a request header.


Taxon Profile Services.

GET api/taxonProfile/{taxonId}

Gets the taxon profile. This service is open but a valid nbdcToken cookie needs to be provided in a request header to see draft profiles.

GET api/taxonProfile/random

Gets random taxon profile. This service is open but a valid nbdcToken cookie needs to be provided in a request header to see draft profiles.

POST api/taxonProfile

Creates or updates a taxon profile. This service is secured so a valid nbdcToken cookie needs to be provided in a request header.

PUT api/taxonProfile/stringItem

Creates or updates a taxon profile item. This service is secured so a valid nbdcToken cookie needs to be provided in a request header.


Version Services.

GET api/version

Returns version info for the NBDC web services and database.